My Boomer Legacy was created as a platform to:

  •  Share your Boomer experience and stories

  • Pass on your very own legacy in pictures, videos, and words.

  • Provide you with a last chance to make the world a better place with your passion and wisdom!


Why would anyone create My Boomer Legacy?





The short answer? I'm tired of being minimalized, discriminated against, and dismissed, for being over 50!

Before you say waaaa, waaaa, waaaa. Put your big boy pants on....Don't worry, they're on, however something snapped this year and I can no longer sit back and shrug my shoulders and say,"Oh well. That's just the way things are now."

It's actually been building for a few years now and it culminated recently with a full day of mind numbing frustration at trying to get different challenges solved with almost no success. If you want to see the video, it's below. But in short, here is the problem that I continue to experience every day, and in my frustration and desire to give back, I have created My Boomer Legacy to address it.

The Boomer generation and the Gen x ers' are the last generation to experience true service and people empowered to solve a problem rather than stone wall or excuse it as policy.


1. The IT revolution has transformed us from one that used IT and cell technology to streamline our businesses to be more efficient and deliver better customer service to one that holds IT as GOD. We now bow and defer to the geeks that develop it, even though they have no idea how it affects the end user and society nor do they seem to care.

2. Boomers have been marginalized and put out to pasture with no desire to learn from, or accept their mentoring or wisdom.

3. Many Boomers are searching for the best way to pass on and share their legacy. My Boomer Legacy is the newest way to achieve that, without boxes of photo albums, or hand written notes.


Those over 50 and mainly Boomers are the ones with the Wisdom(Knowledge and experience), to help the upcoming generations solve societies most serious problems.

My Boomer Legacy gives you the latest high tech platform to pass on your legacy and...

make the world a better place and possibly be a hero in the process!